Power to the people.
Empowering communities to make change.
RCWA is a worker-led organization dedicated to empowering, educating, and organizing refugee and immigrant workers from the food industry to address their needs and concerns in the workplace and in the communities where they reside
RCWA focuses on two joint issues: workers’ rights and community action
We strive to make improvements in the communities we serve and in the lives of our constituents through empowering workers and their families through education, resources, and community action.
Ready to take a stand?
Join us in our fight for equality by volunteering time, knowledge, or resources. Your contribution directly impacts the community we serve as we strive for workers’ rights.
PODER en SALUD is comprised of a group of Latino-identified and/or Latino-serving community-based organizations from across the United States that have come together to address the COVID-19 pandemic through a collective effort to provide accurate, timely, information, education, and resources to our people through trusted local affiliates committed to the health, well-being, and prosperity of Latinos.
Visit the PODER en SALUD website to learn more!

“By giving workers a voice, we enable much needed change to take place.”
— Axel Fuentes, RCWA Executive Director
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Whether you’re a meat packing worker concerned about your work conditions or a community member who wants to volunteer, your participation makes us stronger. Join us to organize for workers’ rights and people power.